Wembley Arena (evening show)
This is probably the most bootlegged show in Yes history. There were multiple radio broadcasts, and portions of this show were released on various compilations. So check out before downloading, you're very likely to already have this bootleg.
It was really one of the best shows the band ever did. All of the band members has his moments in this great concert, and they sound incredibly tight, a group completely united together. This can be heard in Heart of the Sunrise and especially in the big medley they created for this tour, perhaps to commemorate their 10th anniversary, which begun on their second album, Time and a Word (with a great arrangement of the title song, featuring Steve and Rick making us glad that they replaced Tony and Peter), went for Fragile, came back to Yes, passed quickly by Tales, came to The Yes Album and finished with Relayer. I really love this arrangement, The Fish sounds terrific with the whole band playing, and they change it to Perpetual Change and then to Soon in exciting ways. This was the band's fifth concert in three days, but they're not even slightly tired!
After two songs from Tormato that I prefer live than on the original, and a powerful rendition of Starship Trooper, comes my favourite part of the concert.
I've Seen All Good People is another killer. Alan White plays with a great energy, the whole band sound so together... and what makes me love this version better than any other is the last part, where Jon presents the band and each member plays a short 4-bars solo, all of them sounding amazing and very representative of the musicians' styles.
There's still Roundabout to give a perfect end to a perfect concert.
Siberian Khatru
Heart Of The Sunrise
Future Times/Rejoice (Yes played it but no tape with this survived)
Circus Of Heaven
Time And A Word/Long Distance Runaround/The Fish (Schindleria Praematurus)/Survival/The Ancient/Perpetual Change/Soon
Don't Kill The Whale
Starship Trooper
Madrigal - On The Silent Wings Of Freedom
Rick Wakeman solo (Six Wives & Journey)
I've Seen All Good People
If you'll download just one Yes bootleg, this is the one to pick!
Links on comments!
Newelectricmuse said...
Yes, I always like the bit where Jon introduces the band "Mister Richard Wakeman..." I remember taping this off
the radio at the time, but haven't heard it for years. It's a shame that Yesshows wasn't as good as this.
wedge said...
THANKS!!! i havend d/l this yet, but THANK YOU!!! i had a perfect cassette copy of this about 15 years ago, but
somebody who didnt like my obsession with live Yesmusic decoded to pour a beer over the tapes to spite me for some
reason...thanks for hooking me up with this!!!
Anonymous said...
thanks for all the fish guys
Anonymous said...
Hi, thanks so much for these links and sharing with the fans. Could you upload a new link for part 2 which seems
to be dead. I have a copy of part of this show on vinyl and Madrigal was played before Silent wings - is this
right for the Sat eve show? Also do you know anything about a recording for the Friday show? cheers
Martini said...
About the Friday show:
Yes did 5 concerts in Wembley that week, most were recorded by fans, but this is the only one that was broadcast,
so it's incomparably better.
jomo said...
Hi, this was broadcast on the Friday Night Rockshow presented by Tommy Vance on bbc radio one. At the end of the
show I walked on air for about two days ! Thank you so much for this quality recording. My old tape is long worn
out. As for the new songs I´m blown away, thank you so much. I may just stick future times / rejoice from a
Chicago concert a year later into the set and enjoy the whole show complete. thanksamillion.
Anonymous said...
thanks martini for this. My enquiry 'bout the Fri show was sentimental as it was the one I was at! cheers
wedge said...
supposedly, theres some bootlegs out there with audience recordings of "Future Times ~ Rejoice" . maybee someone
could dig one of these up & post a link to get a complete version of this show??!!??
i was actually listening to your previous posting of this in my car a few days ago. the sound is AMAZING, but i
still think the Richfield Coloseum sept 1978 is the best sounding Yes live show out there...its SO heavy &
powerful, and still so clear sounding...
Anonymous said...
Thanks for posting all these great shows!
relayer said...
can someone post 'The Richfield Coloseum Sept 1978' recording? I've never heard this one and would like to
especially given that this tour was one of the best Yes ever did.
relayer said...
hmm, turns out I have the Richfield show after all.
fleeman said...
Fantastic! Thanks so much for posting this. I remember this being broadcast on Tommy Vance's show and recording it
- I played that cassette until it was practically worn out. What a great show - it must be one of the best live
recordings of the band (including the official ones). Thanks again.
Anonymous said...
wondering if you have the soundboard recording of the show in Vancouver, B.C. May 5 1979?
Anonymous said...
Thaks a million times!
You were right!!!
This is fantastic delightful music!
The best I've heard...
(Marley - YeS fan since 1973)
Anonymous said...
excelentes bootlegs !!!
Jonathan said...
Cool! I was at this concert - it was great!
Thanks, Johnny
Like many others here, I taped this onto cassette from the radio, when it was broadcast as the very first edition of Tommy Vance's "Friday Rock Show".
The cassette and now the various digital versions have always been extremely precious to me, not only because it is indeed one of the very best representations of Yes at their absolute finest live, but because I was at one of those Wembley gigs.
It must have been few days earlier, on October 25, because I recall singing (with everyone else) Happy Birthday to Jon Anderson.
I had been at one of the Going For The One gigs at Wembley the previous year when just 16, but the 1978 gig was fabulous, played in the round with the revolving stage.
As for the performance on this bootleg, well, you've said it all: outstanding. For me, the real spine chiller is always Starship Trooper, with Wakeman's keyboards and Howe's guitar in the Würm section reaching heights I've never heard on any other recording.
Finally, while in London last year, listening to this gig, I wondered whether we could hire the Empire Pool (now Wembley Arena), fill it with 12,500 Yes fans, and simply play this gig back over a full PA at full volume. Not quite the real thing, perhaps (!), but could be amazing ... ;-)
Download links:
Part 1:
Part 2:
YES:10/28/78. Best show, performance ever!! Most powerful, perfect show ever! I listened to this show 300+ times per year for the last 30 years. No one on earth has listened to this boot more than me. This is the best sounding most perfect bootleg ever. Magic, perfection. Best Roundabout ever! I was at 6/30/79, the last Tormato tour show.
Thanks, this is really good. I dropped out after Going for the One, only to recover my senses (not in everyone's opinion) with Magnification and Symphonic Live (graphics off!), which for me recapture the earlier spirit. Missed a few good things along the way I'm sure, but I'll catch up.......
Incredible recording. Thank you so much for these. Do not abandon the links, they might break over time
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