November 30, 2008
Bloomington, Illinois, USA
Chris Squire - bass, vocals, harmonica
Steve Howe - guitar, vocals
Alan White - drums, vocals
Benoit David - vocals, percussion, guitar
Oliver Wakeman - keyboards
After two weeks playing

Notice that Steve Howe plays different solo numbers at each concert.
Setlist was a bit shortened, maybe due to the weather, and features:
01. Firebird Suite
02. Siberian Khatru

03. I've Seen All Good People
04. Tempus Fugit
05. Onward
06. Astral Traveller
07. Close to the Edge
08. All's a Chord
09. Laughing With Larry
10. And You And I
11. Long Distance Runaround >
12. The Fish >
13. Aliens (Are Only Us From The Future)
14. Machine Messiah
15. Starship Trooper
16. Roundabout
Links at comments!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Thanks for posting the new tour. Its interesting that the band is touring without Jon Anderson. I agree - since the band set its own precedence with temporarily replacing core members long ago, its still Yes.
At least we get to hear Squire/Howe/White crank out some oddball songs we might never had heard if Anderson was with the band.
Its strange now with the Internet in the "American Idol" era of pop music, you can find a dozen unknown singers for just about every famous voice singing in from their living rooms on YouTube; at least a few of them sounding eerily similar to voice they try to emulate. Its almost spooky how close Benoit sounds to Anderson, but Jon is an essential element to the Yes sound, it seems.
The shortened version of Schindleria Praematurus would be worth the price of admission for me. Tempis Fugit and Machine Messiah sound very nice.
I love Jon Anderson (Rick, Tony, Bruford, Moraz, even Trev., etc...). He is amazing and part of the vision of Yes.
but, so long as White, Squire and Howe are playing together, I get goose bumps listening.
This show delivers Yes music. No question about it. Thank you for posting. Peace to you.
Thank you for posting. In my humble opinion, this singer sucks big time. I haven't heard this particular show, but on the November 7 in Hampton posted here I really can't listen to this guy singing off pitch without the hair on my neck being raised. I admire the other 3 core members very much, but they might have lost some perspective when deciding to bring this vocalist in.
Although at times when you're not looking, Benoit nails Anderson pretty good, but when I see the current state of Yes today,I can't help but think of Bruford's comment towards the end of the 4 hour Yes-Classic Artists documentary. When asked what he thought of the current state of Yes (this is probably '06 or '07), he likened modern-day Yes to a tribute band... now they actually have a singer from a tribute band.
I've more or less given up on them, they're not creating anything new anymore. I think Squire, WHite and Howe keep doing it because (perhaps with the exception of Howe's solo work), their musical creativity has more or less fizzled out, and this is the only way they can still make a buck.
Squire doesn't seem to have progressed artistically all that much since the 80's, as his solo stuff now sounds very bland in that generic 80's kind of way. Same with White... his WHITE project to me takes blandness to new heights, and epitomizes why I don't care for neo-prog.
This is Yes... I just don't dig it, and I can't help but think they're pretty washed up at this point. I keep thinking of Journey or Foreigner for some odd reason, as they still tour, god knows why.
That said, I still think YES is the best rock band to ever walk the face of the earth, it just pains me to see them go on way past their shelf life has expired.
Thank you SO MUCH for this awesome site, I've been waiting for something like this for a very long time!!!
This can now retroactively be considered Yes proper. That what it is about to tour the States.
I'm trying to find a recording, audio and/or video, of the show from 23/11/08 in Albany, NY, but all I could find was a low-quality mobile phone YouTube video.
I have some 1980 bootlegs on my blog if you're interested, as well as the first Yes show I saw in '04 in Syracuse, NY, where I live.
I'll be going again on 2/2 in Poughkeepsie, NY, close to the edge of where I used to live! I try to stay in Upstate NY when I can when it comes to tours to save money.
Wow! Thanks for posting this, including the graphics for creating a two CD set. This is amazing! The sound is quite good for a non official live album. I saw Yes this past summer in Philly and am glad to have a permanent remembrance of this tour. Again, thanks a million. Whoever you are and wherever you are!
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